It Pays To Be A Problem Solver
The Japanese have become the second most powerful economy in the world because of one simple word. Innovation. Their ability to problem solve, to take an idea and make it even better is what has brought them to the point that they are in the world economy. You ability to be a problem solver is what will help you become a financial power house. Everything that has ever been created, everything that has ever made someone money has done so because it has solved a problem for people.
The most successful people in the world have the ability to solve problems. They are able to see something that people need fixed, be it in themselves or in their lives, and find a solution for that problem. They are able to see a problem in their business, be it in the systems of the business, or the marketing, or employee relations, or whatever the problem is, and find a solution. Being a problem solver is one of the highest paid jobs out there. Your ability to recognize a problem someone is having, and your ability to solve that problem effectively will dictate at least some of your success. There are always me too kinds of people out there, and those are the people who do what someone else is doing. But it is the individual who is first to the market with a solution that usually rakes in the most amount of money.
So where do your strong problem solving abilities lie? Where do you find yourself solving problems most of the time? Where do you enjoy solving problems? Are you the type of person who has all of your friends coming to you for solutions in their relationships, or are you the type of person who is able to look at something physical, like a car, and see what is wrong with it? What do you have a passion for when it comes to solving problems, and how can you take that ability to a whole new level and turn it into a money making opportunity for yourself?
People will always have problems, and the better someone is at solving those problems for people, the more money that person will make. I know life isn't all about money, and it shouldn't be. Life is about abundance and wealth in all areas, and money happens to be a part of that, and if you are able to find something that you have a burning passion for that you are able to make a lot of money at, then so much the better. Learn to solve people's problems, and they will not only love you for it, but they will hand you money to do it. Think about it. Cell phones, cars, houses, running water, electricity, toilet paper for goodness sakes. All of these things are things that we could do without, but we pay for how convenient they make life and how much better our quality of life are because of them. Problem solvers are some of the highest paid people in the world. Become a problem solver, and get good at it, and your financial problems will be solved for you.
Labels: accomplishment, achievement, empowerment, failure, goals, inspirational, law of attraction, Success
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