Thursday, April 19, 2007

How To Get What You Want and Only What You Want... In Money, Sucess, Health And Relationships

The ONE QUESTION That Changed My Life Forever

It Can Change Yours, Too!

If you were to rate your life today... on a scale of
1-10... how would it rate?

I'll let you in on a little secret. Most people don't
have what they want... because they don't know what
they want. Sounds obvious, right?

But think about it. Look at your life right now. Do
you have what you want? Do you wake up every morning
with a huge smile on your face and a skip to your step,
excited for the new day? Or do you roll out of bed with
your alarm clock blaring-- taking every ounce of energy
you have to drag yourself across the room and start yet
another day of settling for what you have... instead of
wanting what you've got?

The truth is, you can have anything and everything you
want in life! Period.

But, in order to have what you want you must KNOW what
you want. I mean, really know.

Can you tell me this very moment *exactly* what you want?

You'd be surprised how most folks can't. Sure, it's easy
to list off everything you *don't* want... but when it
comes to getting clear on what you DO want, most people
have no clue.

There was a time in my life when everything that could
go wrong, did go wrong. I would sit in my house day
after day--terrified of what disaster would be next. I
couldn't answer my phone (it was creditors demanding
money)... I couldn't answer my door (it was more creditors
threatening me with lawsuits)... I couldn't even leave my
house (my car had been repossessed). I didn't know what
to do or where to turn. Every day seemed to bring with it
worse news and more hassles than the day before.

Then, I discovered a life-changing question.

During my time of self-imposed exile (hiding out in my
house--trying to escape the chaos of my life) I read
over 100 books. Many of those books contained true
nuggets of wisdom (that I just wasn't ready for yet).
But one particular book really spoke to me. It touched
a place inside my soul and stirred me to change the way
I was looking at everything in my life.

(Tip: When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.)

What made the greatest impact was a simple little
exercise that involved asking myself one single question.
And I can honestly tell you that this one little
question changed my life forever.

Would you like to know the question?

The question is revealed in my DreamLife Discovery
Personal Seminar-- which you can check out now at
DreamLife Discovery

Hang on-- I'm just kidding! (Well, not totally. The
question is revealed in DreamLife... but you don't
have to buy it to find out.)

The one single question that changed my life forever is...

"If I could Have, Do or Be Absolutely Anything--
Regardless of Time, Money or Talent... What Would it be?"

This question changed everything. Actually, my ANSWER to
this question changed everything-- and fast.

I took out a piece of ordinary notebook paper and started
writing. I let my mind shift from all my problems, all
the pain and stress I was under to what I wanted instead.
I allowed my imagination to take me on a journey.
That was the day I learned to DREAM... and DREAM BIG!

The result?

Within 6 months I had received 23 of the 25 dreams on my
list. And believe me, these were no little dreams. I
wrote things like a burgundy Jaguar XJ6... a business I
could run from home earning $10,000 a week... a bank
account with a balance of $25,000... a new spacious home
with a beautiful water view... I had 25 dreams in all.

Keep in mind, when I wrote this list I had no job, no
income, my bank account was in the negative, my car had
been repossessed-- I was about as low as I could be. I
didn't even have $25 in the bank—so the idea of
having $25,000 seemed totally insane.

Six months later everything had changed. It was like night
and day.

So how did I do it? I did I go from the depths of financial
despair and absolute chaos to financial freedom and
abundance-- in just 6 short months?

It's simple. I got very clear on WHAT I WANTED in my life.
From there, everything fell into place. (I'll share more
about how this happened in the next issue.)

So let me ask you again... DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT?

Don't live another day... not even an hour... without your
Dreams List. Grab a sheet of paper, sit quietly and answer
the question...

"If I could have, do or be absolutely anything--
regardless of time, money or talent... what would it be?"

Go ahead and make your list. Don't stop until you have a
MINIMUM of 25 on the list. You can add as many as you
want, as often as you want. But be sure you have AT LEAST
25 on your list before you stop writing.

In the next article in this series I'll reveal exactly how to turn your dreams into reality... in no time flat!

Until next time, remember...
"When you change the way you look at things, the things
you look at change!"

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Blogger sonhadora said...

Sonhos mágicos.
Beijinhos embrulhados em abraços

April 22, 2007 at 4:03 PM

Blogger dr x said...

Manoel..tem bolinho lá no blog


April 24, 2007 at 1:04 PM


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